
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Information & Rules

The all time important board with information, guidelines, rules, all that good stuff we all hate, but has to, read. Though only the rules is a must read, is it good to take a look at the other threads too.
This is also where announcements are placed.

7 7 Facts
by admin_NICKU
Dec 21, 2009 12:54:03 GMT -5
No New Posts News & Announcements

Every news post, announcements and stuff like that will be posted here. You're free to comment on them if you feel like, unless it's locked.

3 27 Check over, and rule update
by admin_NICKU
Feb 14, 2010 12:47:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Hello/Bye

If you're new to the site; drop by and say hi! If someone missed the cbox, then they surely won't miss you here : )
Otherwise, if you for some reason is leaving, forever or just for some time. Let us know please!

13 41 emergency absense
by ✖ blight
Apr 19, 2010 18:59:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertise

Guest friendly.
If you have a finished RPG feel free to advertise here, (or advertise back if I've been adding my link on your site.) Please check the sticky thread for Affiliate info.

Sub-board: Affiliate

73 95 Silverthorne ~ On the Frontier of Fantasy!
by Jaibyrd
Apr 20, 2010 14:14:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Staff

The pretty much boring board were staffs discuss ... stuff.

Sub-boards: Dead profiles, Dead Plots

29 78

Character area

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Character Creation

The first place to visist after you've created your account and read the rules. Come here and make your character.

Sub-board: Accepted Characters

40 93 Tobin Oroson [WIP]
by soopertrooper
Apr 15, 2010 19:54:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Plotting

If you want a friend or a family for your character you can post here, if you have an idea to a plot for the site you can post here, if you have anything that could be plot related... post it here xD

14 57 at the edge of [CALAMITY]!
Mar 7, 2010 18:32:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Journals

If you have some extra info, journal, whatever, you want to post about your character, then feel free to do it here. but only one post per character/account.

4 17 ciel's journal +
by ciel kriemhild +
Feb 19, 2010 10:18:53 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Pallet Town

Shades of your journey await!
Pallet is the small town that is known all over the regions for being the home of several good and notable trainers, and Prof. Oak who also has his lab in the town.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Viridian City

The Eternally Green Paradise.
Viridian City is the place that mix new and more experienced trainers, by having a Pokemon academy and the Trainer house that trainers from all over the region comes to battle in.

1 1 A Dream of a Summer
by yahoshua
Apr 8, 2010 12:14:12 GMT -5
No New Posts Viridian Forest

A natural shaped maze, and to make it even better the trees are so thick that little light gets though, a perfect place for most bug types. A few other Pokemons than of the bug types can be found here, bug only close to the entrance of the forest.

1 2 yin&&yang - [ open to yahoshua ]
by yahoshua
Apr 10, 2010 22:35:44 GMT -5
No New Posts Pewter City

A Stone Gray City.
Placed near the mountains Pewter is a pretty rough looking city, and with a gym specialized in the Rock type. It's also known for the museum with rare and interesting fossils of Pokemons that no longer walk wild on this earth.

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No New Posts Mt. Moon

Just a big rock at day, but at night the mountain seems to come to life, as if the Pokemons there is asleep during the day. It impossible to cross by walking it, only possible way is through the cave.
Research of the mountain shows that it was once hit by a meteor long long ago, this might be the source of the very rare Clefairy and Moon stone that can be found by lucky people in the cave.

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No New Posts Cerulean City

A Mysterious, Blue Aura Surrounds It.
Despite having no special places Cerulean is still a pretty popular place, maybe because it's easy to access and this is the city people who have travelled through Mt. Moon first gets to.

Sub-boards: Cerulean Cave, Cerulean Cape

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No New Posts Rock Tunnel

A pitch black underground cave tunnel, only trainers travel by it and to get through you need some source of light. Most people like to bring a Eletric Pokemon and make it flash up a light, a Pokemon Center is placed right outside the exit of the cave.

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No New Posts Power Plant

The Power Plant have been abandoned some time, but is now providing power to the Magnet train that runs between Kanto and Johto and there's people working there. Most of the wild Pokemon that used to live there have moved, yet you can still be lucky to find a wild Electric Pokemon or two outside.

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No New Posts Lavender Town

The Noble Purple Town.
According to the citizens of the town, Lavender Town is known as the grave site of Pokémon. All the memorial services are held in Pokémon Tower. According to a local citizen, the ghosts that appear in the Tower, are the spirits of Pokémon that have died or were killed (the latter is the case with the mother Marowak in the tower, which died at Team Rocket's hands some years ago).

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Saffron City

The Shining, Golden Land of Commerce.
Saffron is the biggest City in Kanto and is even known outside of the region as the place where Silph Co. has their headquarters building. The city also contains the Magnet Train Station which allows the user to travel from Saffron in Kanto to Goldenrod in Johto.

1 3 darkness of your imagination [open]
Mar 31, 2010 19:36:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Celadon City

The City of Rainbow Dreams.
Even though Saffron is the biggest City in Kanto, Celadon still has the biggest department store. A place where people tend to say you can get whatever your heart might want.
Despite being to big and all, the population of the city is mostly tourists and trainers passing through. They even have hotels where Pokemons aren't allowed.
Celadon is also known for it's Game Corner, a very popular place that still runs even after it came out the place once was ruled by Team Rocket from the underground.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Vermillion City

The Port of Exquisite Sunsets.
Home of the luxury cruise SS. Anne which sails the world, but often stops in Olivine City. The ship is a bit expressive, and yet a very popular way of travelling for trainers.

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No New Posts Fuchsia City

Behold! It's Passion Pink!
Say Fuchsia and people say Safari Zone. The city just seems to circle about that one only thing, (and the gym lying a little outside the city, being the second most important thing to the people who live there).

2 10 a stroll through the [ P A R K ] ll OPEN
by charles lockett ♣
Mar 12, 2010 0:46:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Cinnabar Island

The Fiery Town of Burning Desire.
This was once a city build on a volcano, but not long ago it erupted and there is not much left. The lab and the Pokemon Center on the island is still intact but not often used. There's still some houses left, but most people left the island. Some of the Pokemon Mansion is still there, but the place is more unstable than before, and lots of the wild Pokemon that used to live there left too. The Gym was complete wiped away from the face of the earth when the volcano erupted.

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No New Posts Seafoam Islands

Seafoam is a pair of identical islands, only a day of travelling away from Cinnabar. Not much is known about the island, it's said that there's a tunnel system under the water but nobody have explored those properly yet. Most of the caverns are ice covered, so lots of Pokemon of this type live here.

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No New Posts Victory Road

The path that trainers, with ambition of beating the League and/or Elite, has to walk. But only the strongest gets to do it as it's only open to those with all the badges from either Kanto or Johto.
Victory Road is a route and a cave tunnel, filled with trainers and wild Pokemons. In the end of Victory is the Indigo Plateau.

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No New Posts Indigo Plateau

The highest Pokémon authority!
The ultimate Goal of Trainers!

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts New Bark Town

The Town Where the Winds of a New Beginning Blow.
A nice little town, - very much like Pallet, but a little bigger - that is placed close to the sea and Tohjo Falls. The Pokemon lab, which is one of the first things you see when you come to the town from Route 29, is where Prof. Elm studies and experiments with Pokemon eggs and breeding.
New Bark Town is also the home for some pretty skilled trainers.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Cherrygrove City

The City of Cute, Fragrant Flowers.
A little town without any specific purpose, there's no Gym or other special attraction here. Still it's a popular place for trainers who might be heading for Tohjo Falls, or that is just passing by.

1 18 Still searching || OPEN
by ren stiles ⋆
Feb 26, 2010 0:06:45 GMT -5
No New Posts Violet City

The City of Nostalgic Scents.
A very popular city for new trainers since the Pokemon Academy is placed here together with a Gym. The Academy learn children and young people how to be and act around Pokemon before they send them out as trainers. In contrast to the Academy is there the Sprout Tower, the tower that is literally moving, as it should protect it better from Earthquake and such. The Tower is run by Monks who mainly train Bellsprouts (and a few other Pokemons like Hoothoot), they teaches people that "all living beings coexist through cooperation".

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No New Posts Ruins of Alph

Ruins from a forgotten time, and nothing is known about them, but there's always the feel about those ruins that you're being watched. Many scientists have made base in the area, trying to figure out something about the mysterious ruins. Without much luck so far. People with a radio must quickly have discovered that it's impossible to pick up a signal here. It's all replaced with a strange noise.

1 10 No Signal?! [OPEN]
by ciel kriemhild +
Feb 10, 2010 23:51:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Union Cave

A big cave tunnel system that mainly goes from Route 32 to 33, but lots of other exits have been found, like in the Ruins of Alph.

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No New Posts Azalea Town

Where People and Pokémon Live in Happy Harmony!
A smaller more isolated Town (because of Union Cave and Ilex Forest - both not easy to get through), being isolated and small results in everyone knowing everyone, and when new people arrives it's quickly spread through the town. And even because of that it was once taken over by Team Rocket who stole tails from Slowpokes. While Slowpokes might not be so important outside of Azalea, are they pretty important to the people who live in the town. And they're still pretty angry with what Team Rocket did.
According to legends in the town, the Yawn of a Slowpoke causes rain. 400 years ago, a drought in Azalea Town ended right when a Slowpoke yawned.

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No New Posts Ilex Forest

The forest that could be called mysteries itself. Most of it have been explored, and researcher says that there aren't much more to the forest than they already know. Yet while being there it's like there IS more to the forest, that nobody ever will know. The trees stands so close, that light much light doesn't come through.
A shrine is also placed deep in the forest, a small figure of a Pokemon is placed inside it, but it's impossible to tell what Pokemon it is and nobody know nor remember what the shrine is good for.

1 42 As in 'UNABLE' [Soul]
by Soul •
Feb 25, 2010 22:07:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Goldenrod City

The Festive City of Opulent Charm.
Was once a magnificent city in Johto, a big and popular city. Now it pretty much just lies in ruins after Team Rockets big comeback. Only a few buildings still stand, including the Radio Tower, the Magnet Train and some of the Gym is still usable. The underground part of the city is somewhat intact still, though the more official parts of it with the shops is pretty much destroyed too - but the walls down there still stands. The rest of the city is just one big ruin.

1 23 A sign of signal
Feb 25, 2010 5:55:50 GMT -5
No New Posts National Park

A park for tourists as well as trainers, one of the few places in the Pokemon world where there is wild Pokemons, and yet you can still take a walk without worrying about being attacked by something. The Bug-Catcher Contest is also held here every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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No New Posts Ecruteak City

A Historical City Where the Past Meets the Present.
Said to be one of the oldest cities in the Pokemon world, as it seems to have connection to most Legends in Johto. The Burned Tower still stands there, once a golden Tin Tower but long long ago burned down to silver ash by a mysterious fire. The legend tells that when the tower was burned down the two legendary Pokemons left it, Lugia left to live somewhere in the seas and Ho-oh now flies around in the world, never seen by any. Three Pokemon was also said to die due to the fire, but rumors says that they're now reborn. A new Tin Tower was built to make the Legendaries come back, but they never did.

2 5 man the armory [lance-sama;; blight/open]
Mar 10, 2010 5:18:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Olivine City

The Port Closest to Foreign Lands.
A port city with a Lighthouse that can be seen far away even before the city is viewable, even easier to see at night when the light is turned on. The boat SS. Anne also stops by the city now and then.

1 2 Head in the Seas
Feb 16, 2010 18:42:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Whirl Islands

A few islands that's placed in the sea between Olivine City and Cianwood City (but the islands is not viewable from land), there's strong whirlpools around the islands and the ships that cross that sea avoids them with big distance (since the pools can suck up ships easily). A big Pokemon is said to roam in the waters around these islands.

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No New Posts Cianwood City

A Port Surrounded by Rough Seas!
A port that most boats also stops by to get a rest because of the strong waters and Whirlpool not far away from the island. Cianwood contains a Gym, so lots of trainers like to take the boats that sails from Olivine and stop by to rest here.
Because of the seperation from the mainland, Cianwood doesn't have any Pokemart, but there live a specialist on the island that sells medicine that can cure more than a normal Pokemart.

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No New Posts Mt. Mortar

Is a mazed liked cave which most people tries to avoid going too far into. But going into it is a need if you don't have a water Pokemon that can carry you on water, and you need to get from Ecruteak to Mahogony or visa versa.

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No New Posts Mahogany Town

Welcome to the Home of the Ninja!
The title comes from the house or rather hideout, that was used by Ninjas, ironically enough it turned out that Team Rocket had their base under the house, and the ninjas is no longer there. It was also from here the evolution provoking sounds was sent from, the ones that made the Red Gyarados go crazy at The Lake of Rage.
A cold wind often blows in the city since it's pretty close to the Ice Path.

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No New Posts Lake of Rage

A lake that is left mostly destroyed and the north part of it is inundated from the rage of a red Gyarados that was not long ago. Even the weather there is not back to normal yet, and rain is very common there. There's mostly Magikarps (and a few rare Gyarados') there so people barely comes there anymore.

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No New Posts Ice Path

An ice covered cave, that almost light itself up with it's shiny walls. It can be rather hard to cross since the floor mostly is covered in ice. Wild ice Pokemon also lives here, and they're not always happy with people crossing though they like to stay away from people who pass.

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No New Posts Blackthorn City

A Quiet Mountain Retreat.
Another very old city of Johto, placed in the mountains, and hard to reach for normal people and trainers. Like Azalea it's a little isolated from the rest of the region. Specially known for housing the Dragon's Den, and for being the hometown of famous' dragon users.

Sub-board: Dragon's Den

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No New Posts Dark Cave

The blackest cave you can come across in the Pokemon world, and it can be even hard for Pokemons that know flash to light up. There's an exit of the cave near Violet and Blackthorn.

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No New Posts Tohjo Falls

Also known as The Link Between Kanto and Johto that only separates the two regions with a few waterfalls. This is the path you have to take if you want to go to Victory Road.

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No New Posts Mt. Silver

A mountain that lies in Johto, but far away from every other places, and you have to cross the Indigo Plateau and get their permission (as Mt. Silver can be a highly dangerous place, only for strong trainers) to get there.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Special RP boards

If you're bored and/or waiting for a reply, this is the place you may can pass some time. You can pretty much do whatever you want here, since most that happens here is Out Of Character. Remember to check the sticky threads for full information.

Sub-boards: Catching, Meet up, Past

3 26 she's got the movie star smile [tr]
by Takenji
Mar 4, 2010 17:27:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Pokethlon

Unique to Johto, the Pokethlon is very popular and a fun event to take part in and watch. There are many different areas where the events take place from the race track to even a beach scene and snow covered area.
There'll be created a new board every time there is a new competition. Remember to check sticky threads if you want to join.

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No New Posts Contest

Brought over from the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions, there is only one contest hall in Johto and Kanto and is rarely used, often holding events when there is some kind of festival going on. Contests here are not used to collect ribbons but just for fun and are often enjoyed by trainers as well as spectators.
There'll be created a new board every time there is a new competition. Remember to check sticky threads if you want to join.

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No New Posts The Stadium

A place for trainers to come together and battle with others in single batttles, double or even with a friend in a tag match. The stadium has lots of seating which are usually filled up when the Stadium is hosting an event. The field can also change from a normal ground, to grassy terrain, rocky and even a water based area.
There'll be created a new board every time there is a new competition. Remember to check sticky threads if you want to join.

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No New Posts Closed/Locked RP threads

Threads that is locked/closed because every character in them left, or maybe because of another reason. Threads here can't be revived.
All threads inhere is from the RP, ended RP threads from the Special RP board will be kept there and WON'T be moved here.

7 67 SPRINKLE OF BAD LUCK [locked]
by [GOLD]*
Jan 29, 2010 9:17:00 GMT -5


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