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No New Posts Catching - 1 Viewing

Feel like catching a new member for your team but already have a thread going in the actual rp? Then come here and battle and catch wild pokemon to your hearts content. - Remember to check the Permission list, if the certain Pokemon you're going to catch is on that one, you'll need to ask a staff first.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Meet up

A free for all place where you RP your character doing whatever you want and meeting whoever you wish. However, nothing that happens in this board actually happens in the actual RP (which means that if you meet someone for the first time here, then you still won't know them in the real RP), so this is just a place to have some fun and let loose.

1 2 she's got the movie star smile [tr]
by Takenji
Mar 4, 2010 17:27:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Past - 1 Viewing

Is there something you want to RP which has already happened? Perhaps something from your characters childhood or a specific event? Well this is the place to do that, you can only roleplay things that happened in the past before your characters first post on the board.

by Soul •
Feb 11, 2010 15:26:16 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Special RP boards
If you're bored and/or waiting for a reply, this is the place you may can pass some time. You can pretty much do whatever you want here, since most that happens here is Out Of Character. Remember to check the sticky threads for full information.
Board Statistics
Threads and Posts
Total Threads:3
Total Posts:26
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0 Staff, 0 Members, 1 Guest.